Ashley’s LASIK Story

March 24, 2021 | Testimonials

Listen to Ashley talk about her LASIK story.

My name is Ashley, I’m here at Aurora LASIK, I’m a PSR here and I’m getting LASIK surgery in 3 days!

How long have you thought about having LASIK?

since I was about 20’s I would say, so maybe the past 8 or 9 years, just because I was tired of wearing contacts and glasses, always loosing a contact or forgetting them when I go on trips so it will be nice to not have to worry about that anymore.

What are you looking forward to the most after LASIK?

Swimming, I really like swimming, when I use to go swimming it would always mess up my contacts, like swimming under water, not that I open my eyes but just kind of getting water splashed in your face and then you know the contact like moving and it was always really irritating so I love swimming I am not this time of year but back in summer again going boating. I also love to read, which was always giving me a headache so I use to take my contacts out but then I couldn’t look up and see anything so that was kind of a bummer but ya being outside, I love being outside. We use to go quading so trying to wear glasses and goggles over the glasses, that was not very fun.

Dog eat your homework… I mean glasses?

Funny story actually, I had to get these glasses during COVID because my dog chewed up my other pair of glasses. First time I caught him doing it, it was on my nightstand I left it there and so I don’t leave my glasses on my nightstand anymore expect when I go to sleep. So this time when he did it I was in bed sleeping, so he did it in the middle of the night. I couldn’t find my glasses anywhere and they were in the middle of the backyard. So I don't know if you can see but I have bite marks on my lenses from the dog. I couldn’t find them so I had to go wakeup couldn’t find my glasses and I’m already stumbling around so I had to go to the bathroom put contacts in so I could go out and find my glasses. So that is one thing I will not miss either.

2 months after LASIK

Hi it’s Ashely, I had my procedure done two months ago for LASIK. I’m sure many of you saw it done on Facebook LIVE, but I’m here my vision as been absolutely amazing. I’m able to see, wake up in the morning and don’t need glasses, just can get up and start my daily routine.

How are your results?

I have 20/15 vision which is something I never thought I would have ever in my life so that’s been pretty crazy. I like to rub it in my boyfriends face and be like ‘I have better vision than you’, but hahaha. I really enjoy it.

Were you nervous?

Ummm, well I think everyone gets nervous, it’s completely normal to be nervous, it’s life changing, I mean it’s my eyes so I was nervous but you know everyone here has been so great and I know Dr. Rudd he has been doing surgeries so long, lover 20 years so I totally trusted in him. Everyone here has been so great during the procedure they just kind of talked me through it. So by the end I was not nervous at all, once I was in there.

What was it like?

It felt like your in space (hahaha). Just laying back seeing all the light shows, um it was definitely unique. And like I said they talk you through the whole thing so it was super easy and way easier than I anticipated. I set my expectations kind of high too so just the whole experience was just awesome. It was just amazing how I woke up Thursday morning, putt on my glasses, came to work, waited until my surgery that evening, took off my glasses, had the surgery done, went home that night, woke up the next day, drove myself into work and was able to see and ended up working the rest of that day, checking in my surgery day buddies and it’s been awesome.

How would you describe your experience?

I know I have said it a bunch of times but it has been amazing. Or unique I guess, it’s been a really unique experience, um just going through the whole process, mainly why I wanted to get it done. I was just kind of thinking about LASIK, I wasn't really interested in LASIK until I started working here. And seeing everyones results and how happy everyone was after surgery kind of made me want to do it so. To everyone who has had surgery before me I say ‘Thank You’ because your the ones that made me want to get it done. Because with out you guys I probably won’t have gotten LASIK and I would probably still be in my glasses, which I am SO HAPPY I AM NOT! If you’re thinking about it just come on in and check it out. I mean what is the harm in getting more information. Thats been a big thing too, I did not know much about LASIK before I came here and so leaning everything, the different procedures we offer has just been an amazing experience.

Why did you live stream your LASIK procedure?

By LIVE streaming my surgery I wanted to kind of give back to those people who don’t know much about LASIK and kind of show them it’s not scary, its super easy, super fast and has amazing results. So anyone looking into LASIK or considering LASIK please feel free, give me a call shoot me an email, I’m here, I’m answering questions. People who call in just for consultations I’m usually the one they talk to anyways and I will be honest with you about my experience 100% and I will let you know what to expect and I think the scariest part is just making the decision to do it. Once your doing it, you’re talking to everybody and your going through it, it’s so easy and its LIFE CHANGING

CATEGORIES: Testimonials

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